Want your dough to make you dough?

Want your dough to make you dough?

Want your dough to make you dough?

Want your dough to make you dough?

 Turn Your Cookies Into Cash For Your Next Date Night... Next Family Vacation... Or Even Your Next House Payment!

I'm giving you the sweet secrets to making your "little cookie hobby" into a profitable 5-figure business...

even if you live in a small house in a small town and barely know what Instagram is. 

Developing your cookie skills while getting the hang of the business side has never been this easy! 

You already LOVE making cookies.
You're probably pretty good at it!

But not just good... you're READY to get SERIOUS about cookies and turn this delicious hobby into a real business.
But Lauren...

Where will I find the time to turn this hobby into a business when….

  • I already have a job — there simply aren’t enough hours in the day?
  • I’m all about that #momlife? Full-time Cookier sounds great, but I want balance in my life...
  • I know my cookies are cute, but I’m not sure people would pay for them...
Not to Mention...
  • Technology is my kryptonite...
  • Social media influencer status seems completely out of reach, and...
  • Pricing my cookies correctly gives me a headache faster than trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube!


Being a Cookier is great, but the overwhelm and anxiety that come along with thinking about the never-ending list of skills and tasks it takes to turn your passion into a profitable home-based business is enough to make ANYONE throw in the towel before they even begin.

But today, you're in luck, because you have a big advantage...

It's a little thing I like to call...

Dough Makers Academy

Dough Makers Takes The Guesswork Out Of... 

  • Mastering High-Level Cookie Decorating Skills
  • Finding Clients
  • Pricing Your Products
  • Handling Order Fulfillment
  • ​Business Finance and Logistics
  • ​and so much more!
This is next-level Cookier stuff.

I’ve taken every single piece of advice...
every lesson I’ve learned...
and every strategy or tactic I’ve used...
to create a successful home-based cookie business
and I put it all in one place for YOU! 

This is the course I wish I’d had when I was starting out.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll find inside Dough Makers: 



This is where you’ll learn that making $1,000 in 2 weeks is actually possible, even in the beginning!

We go over pre-sale pricing, pre-sale marketing, and how to know when you can’t take any more orders. You’re given an hours and costs tracking sheet, a request order form, and a time tracker worksheet so you can learn the order flow, when to bake, and when to have your orders picked up. 


• Pre-sale pricing
• Pre-sale marketing
• Hours and costs tracking sheet
• Request order form
• Time tracker worksheet
• Learn the order flow
VALUE: $350



It can be easy to get stuck on color palettes, font type, logo creation…

So here's where we smooth out the process for you. When you finish this module, you’ll have a name, logo, and color palette that connect to your core values.


• Your awesome Cookie Business name
• A Business Logo you love
• Color palette you adore
• Business font type for all your marketing and swag
VALUE: $350



All the business ins and outs in one place to set you up for success, even if you don’t know anything about business.

You will receive a resource guide to determine the home-based bakery laws in your area so you’re always in compliance, as well as set up your business, register with the state, determine which entity is right for you, and set up your bank accounts to avoid additional taxes on the backend.

And since none of that is super fun, we’ll also get into the beginning stages of setting up your social media accounts! 


• Home-based bakery laws in your area
• Business setup resource guide
• Business registration directions
• How to determine which entity is right for you
• Best ways to set up your business bank account
• Social media account setup
VALUE: $350



Great, you’re making money...but what now?

You’ll learn bookkeeping, taxes, and where to put all that dough. If you have a hard time wrapping your mind around all the numbers, we explain it in a way so you understand what numbers to pay attention to.

Then you’ll learn how to analyze your cookie numbers to actually create a profit. Don’t worry; you’re getting an interactive spreadsheet to help with all of this!

You’ll also get some tax secrets and resources for tax strategies so you’re not wasting money. 


• Cookie business bookkeeping information
• Business tax guidance
• Business numbers translation
• How to analyze your cookie numbers
• Interactive numbers spreadsheet
• Business tax secrets and resources
VALUE: $350



You have a process for cookie making; now it’s time to have one in your business.

A step-by-step customer service system is how you’re going to do that. You’ll be able to overcome pricing objections and customer complaints and learn how to set expectations.

You’ll also learn how to automate your business with project management tools and spreadsheets and how to connect all of them so they work together (without you making them work).

We’ll go over managing your time with time-blocking worksheets so you are working smarter and not harder. 


• Step-by-step customer service system
• Overcome pricing objections and customer complaints
• How to automate your business
• Connect all your Project Management tools and spreadsheets
• Time-blocking worksheets
VALUE: $350



Don’t worry, it’s not what you think. You don’t have to be an Instagram influencer to have a successful business.

Let’s set up your social media profile! You’ll get a bio worksheet so your bio tells people who you are and what you can do for them.

There’s no guesswork with the Content Flavors worksheet, where we strategize and outline what, when, and how often to post. I’ll teach you how to share effectively as a Cookier, how to take beautiful photos of your cookies, and how to create amazing cookie videos. 


• Successfully set-up your entire social media profile
• Understand what to tell people who you are and what you can do for them
• Know what, when, and how often to post
• How to share effectively as a Cookier
• How to take beautiful photos of your cookies
• How to take beautiful photos of your cookies
VALUE: $350



What you do takes time and a whole lot of skill. We’re going to make sure you’re being compensated appropriately so you don’t get burnt out.

Jump into the price setting worksheet and learn how to set your pricing and when to raise your prices based on your skill set and market competitors.

To make sure your cookies are the best of the best, you’ll learn how to keep your cookies fresh and how to treat your customers better than the rest with special customer coupons.

You can also add a DIY kit to your list of products with the printable instructions provided in this module. 


• How to set your cookie pricing
• When to raise your prices
• How to keep your cookies fresh
• How to utilize special customer coupons
• Create your very own DIY kit
VALUE: $350



Running your own business isn’t always easy.

Knowing how to shift your mindset will get you over that hump so you don’t skip a beat.

Learn to celebrate your accomplishments and what it means to be a Dough Maker with the Dough Maker Manifesto.

The truth is, being a Cookier is a lot like being on a roller coaster, so we go over how to set goals that matter and how to use mindset hacks to create and use momentum to your advantage so you’re always able to push through any blocks.  


• Shift your mindset for success
• Celebrate your accomplishments
• Live the Dough Maker Manifesto
• Set achievable goals
• Master mindset hacks
VALUE: $350



The Art & Science of Cookie Design

A next-level cookie design workshop where you’ll further your skills to make those show-stopping cookies.

We'll go over how to actually design cookies, layering cookies and color palettes. I’m going to teach you why different shapes matter and how to put them together.

There really is a science to putting a cookie set together, and this is where you’ll get a deep understanding of the behind the scenes and how to do just that.  
VALUE: $369


8 Weeks of Group Coaching with Lolly!

Join Lolly for 8 weekly Q&A coaching calls where you can bring your toughest challenges and get direct guidance on building your cookie business. 

Each call is designed to help you break through any roadblocks—whether it’s pricing, marketing, or perfecting your designs—so you can gain clarity, take action, and start turning your cookie passion into real profit. 

With Lolly's expert advice and a supportive group of fellow Cookiers, you'll get unstuck and on the fast track to success.
VALUE: $3,000

You didn't think that was everything, did you?

Here at Dough Makers, we believe in building your business AND expanding your Cookie-Making Skills… 

When you join the Dough Makers community, you’ll gain access to other bakers support and connection to help out answer your questions, and monthly LIVE trainings with Lauren!

it's time for free gifts!


The Art of Selling Your Cookies + Money Mindset

How to Make Your Dough Grow, new products, The Art of Selling/Marketing, Money Mindset, and more.
VALUE $430


Social Media Success

6-Month Social Calendar & Post Prompt Guide
VALUE $315


Lifetime Facebook Group Access

Exclusive Lifetime Access to the private Dough Maker community Facebook group
VALUE $197


Expert Business Setup Help

Complimentary planning session with our expert financial partner to help you set up your business the right way. (You only pay the hard filing fees).
VALUE $2,000


Exclusive Dough Makers Gift Set

A sleek matte black tumbler, a custom enamel pin with a secure rubber backer, and a premium scribe with an exclusive DM charm. Perfect for adding style to your kitchen and precision to your cookie creations!

You'll be the first to be given the opportunity to purchase any new master-level classes as soon as they become available.

Let's review this recipe for cookie business success...

  • 8 Weeks of Coaching with Lauren to get answers & move fast
  • ​8 Expertly Curated Modules to next-level your cookie business
  • Advanced Workshop: The Art & Science of Cookie Design
  • ​Expert Business Setup Help – Complimentary planning session with our expert financial partner to help you set up your business the right way. (You only pay the hard filing fees).
  • Plus $3,022 in additional bonuses so you can start rolling IN the dough in as little as 2 weeks!

Total Value = $9,191

Discounted Price = $3,499

But your price on this special offer page is...

Only $497

That's over 85% off!

I’ve helped thousands of people who doubted their cookie skills, were confused about business tech, and who feared taking precious time away from their family to turn their cookie hobby into a business that makes a profit month after month. 

"I need to give myself a high five ✋😌
Several months ago I said I wanted to have a record month and….. in November my sales were just dollars shy of my goal! 😮

Like, what?!?!
Cheers to 2022 goals and smashing them!"


"I want to thank you for guiding us through Dough Makers. 

My first two events were sell-outs. My third is coming up in three weeks… can’t tell you how much help you have been. Thank you!"


Total Value = $9,191

Discounted Price = $3,499

But your price on this special offer page is...

Only $497

That's over 85% off!

Have Questions?

Let's Answer Them!

How much time does this take each week?
You can do the Dough Makers Business Academy at your own pace. All the modules and advanced workshops are available to you when you register, so go as fast or as slow as you want!
What is the guarantee?
When you join the Dough Makers family, we make sure you have all the tools and training you need to succeed. You are given instant access to everything we have available and can go as fast or as slow as your life permits. If you ever need help, reach out and we’ll be there for you.

I’m so confident in Dough Makers that I’m happy to offer this guarantee: If you aren’t absolutely thrilled with your purchase and you aren’t deeply satisfied with your new cookie business resources, let me know and we'll make it right.
What if I’m not successful?
Dough Makers Business Academy is designed to set you up for success. Years of research and tracking and adjusting have gone into this academy. If you put in the work and ask for help when you’re stuck, you will be successful.
Is this for a beginner Cookier?
While the Dough Makers Business Academy will help someone with any level of cookie skills, the advanced workshops are designed for Cookiers that have mastered the basics of cookie making and decorating.the workshops, view the modules, and create all the necessities that go along with building a business.
When does Dough Makers Business Academy start?
Everything is pre-recorded. Once you go through the secure checkout process, you’ll have immediate and unlimited access to all available course materials. Take it at your own pace, on your own time. No dates, no deadlines, no pressure!
What if I get in there and have questions?
That’s what makes the Dough Makers Facebook group so awesome! You can post your questions, troubleshoot any issues, and get all the help and encouragement you need.
I’ve tried a cookie business before and failed. How will Dough Makers help me?
You know, the same thing happened to me. Now I’ve run my business long enough to know where all the trouble spots are, and Dough Makers covers all that and more. I’ll break down every aspect of running a cookie business, from logos and brand colors to bookkeeping and mastering techniques—even down to fine-tuning your mindset. I walk you through the entire process from start to finish so you won’t fail again.
What if I already have a cookie business?
There’s so much more to a successful, profitable cookie business than being in business. Everything from thickness of the cookies to consistency of the royal icing, different drying times, application tips, and more… it all affects how your cookies turn out. I’m revealing all my pro secrets so you can go from “great baker” to “true artist” in the kitchen!
Can’t I find all this stuff on YouTube?
Well, yes and no. Is every scrap of information I share in Dough Makers lurking somewhere on YouTube? Maybe. But usually they’re in pieces and it would take you hours and hours (days, weeks, months!) to sift through everything. And in the meantime, you’d be picking up all kinds of information that’s incomplete, unhelpful, and even flat wrong! It’s so much easier and worth the time and money to learn this process step by step from a true professional who has already figured things out and is running a profitable, successful cookie business. By enrolling in Dough Makers, you shortcut the learning process so you can stop wasting time on search engines and flopped experiments and start making real money TODAY.

Also, there is so much I share in Dough Makers that YouTube videos don’t share. You can find some of it on YouTube or online, but not all of it. 
I’ve seen cookie decorating lessons out there for free. Why should I pay for Dough Makers?
Dough Makers isn’t just about the cookie orders or about the icing or about the pricing, the way those other courses are. And it’s not about…. Dough Makers is about EVERYTHING cookie biz. I’m covering everything you need to know, from the first idea to the last bite and invoice. The free stuff you’ll find out there is only focused on small aspects of running a cookie business, whereas with Dough Makers you get it all, right there, right away.
What if I’m completely new to running a business and have no clue where to start?
Dough Makers is perfect for complete beginners! I’ll show you everything you need to get started, from the fun stuff like branding to the not so fun stuff like laws around baking in your own home (yes, it’s a thing), LLCs, and taxes. You’ll learn how to level-up your cookie skills and how to price your creations. I left nothing to chance, and if you do have a question or get stuck, you can always reach out in the Facebook group and get answers from other Cookiers who’ve been there before.
Do I need any special equipment for Dough Makers?
One very important tool you’ll need is access to the internet. Without it, you won’t have much luck watching the workshops and trainings or running your business. If you have basic tools for cookie baking you’ll do just fine, but keep in mind that when you get to the advanced masterclasses you may need some additional equipment.
You keep calling it a class or a course. Will there be a test? How does that work?
There’s no test with Dough Makers. We are equipping you to get down to business, not putting extra stress and pressure on you if you don’t want it. That said, I’d love to see your results! You can share them in the Dough Makers Facebook group.
How does the course work?
Once you enroll, you’ll be emailed access to your course dashboard, which is powered by a website called Teachable. That’s where all the lessons and bonuses will be. You can access the dashboard on any computer, smartphone, or tablet. There’s also a Teachable app you can download, if you’d like. Course materials include video lessons, audio files, and PDF downloads. You can go through each lesson at your own pace and keep track of your progress right there in the dashboard.
What all is included?
Dough Makers includes everything you need to run a profitable cookie business. The course has 8 modules, as well as all of the bonus content, resources and printables, workshops and masterclasses. Included are order forms, pricing guides, bookkeeping and tax lessons, and membership in the Dough Makers Facebook group. You’ll also get a 6-month social calendar & post prompt guide, plus access to Lolly's Cookie Intensive event that's held regularly.
Who can take this course? Are there any prerequisites?
It’s great for a Cookier who wants to turn their baking hobby into a successful home-based business. If you’re just getting started, Dough Makers will give you the strong foundation needed to grow your business without worrying about the non-cookie stuff (like branding, taxes, and spreadsheets). If you’ve already been dabbling in cookies and/or already have a business started, Dough Makers will help you get professional results and get to real profit faster.
How do I sign up?
Click any of the big sign-up buttons on this page. Doing that will take you to the order form. Enter your information, click the confirmation button, and then check your email for the link to the course! It’s that simple. Payments are processed through Stripe, which is a highly regarded, secure online payment processor.
Will Dough Makers teach me how to make money with cookies?
Yes, this is a business course! Dough Makers will equip you with all the tools you need to be successful. That includes pricing, marketing, mindset, and much more.
I’m feeling pretty stressed right now / I have a lot going on / there’s a lot on my plate at the moment. Why should I join Dough Makers?
Whether you’re feeling too isolated, too stretched, too depressed, or just too everything about starting a cookie business, Dough Makers will help. In this course, I’m showing you everything from how to set up your business to advanced masterclass techniques to pricing accurately and cookie business mindset. This is one of those few things that you can do for yourself that also has loved ones begging you to do more of it! Cookies make everything better!

"Thank you for all you have done for me, my life, my sense of confidence over the past year. You gave me a way to raise funds for our last adoption (I met our daughter in Bulgaria two weeks ago) and increase our family. 

Thank YOU for following God’s lead and starting YOUR business, helping all of us start ours!"


"Thank you for all the advice, helping me become the cookier that I am, and for helping guide me in navigating this whole Dough Makers business process! 

I always give you so much credit when friends and customers tell me how much I have improved since starting back in May! 

Thankful for this community and the opportunity for the therapy cookies give me!"



When you join the Dough Makers family, we make sure you have all the tools and training you need to succeed. 

You are given instant access to everything we have available and can go as fast or as slow as your life permits. If you ever need help, reach out and we’ll be there for you.  

Dough Makers
8 WEEKS GROUP COACHING with Lolly to knock out any hurdles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [$3,000 VALUE]

8 EXPERTLY CURATED MODULES to next-level your cookie business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [$2,800 VALUE]

ADVANCED WORKSHOP: The Art & Science of Cookie Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [$369 VALUE]

BONUS: The Art of Selling Your Cookies + Money Mindset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [$430 VALUE]

BONUS: 6 Month Social Calendar & Post Prompt Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [$315 VALUE]

BONUS: Exclusive Dough Makers Tumbler, Pin, & Scribe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [$80 VALUE]

BONUS: Lifetime Facebook Group Access
(Dough Maker’s Cookier Crew) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [$197 VALUE]

BONUS: BUSINESS SETUP HELP - (You only pay hard filing fees) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [$2,000 VALUE]
Complimentary planning session with our expert financial partner to help you
set up your business the right way, know what to file to get started, and more!

Total Value = $9,191

Discounted Price = $3,499

But your price on this special offer page is...

Only $497

That's over 85% off!
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